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07854 005 555

Hard-working and trustworthy building company from Greater London.

House Extensions in Feltham and the West London area

House Extensions in Feltham and the West London area

House Extensions in Feltham

At Leon Building Contractors Ltd, we are a professional construction team based in Feltham, London, taking on house extension projects in properties throughout the West London area. Our construction specialists are all fully qualified, licensed building contractors, making us highly skilled in planning, designing and building first-class extensions. This allows us to create one of a kind results with every extension project we undertake.

We understand living arrangements and household circumstances can change over time, which can result in requiring additional living space within the home. With this, at Leon Building Contractors Ltd, we provide homeowners with the opportunity to expand the size of their property

with the construction of an extension build.

At Leon Building Contractors Ltd, we cover all bases when it comes to the planning, design and construction processes involved in creating bespoke, premium extension results. This means that, whether you are looking to expand your kitchen, create a new home office, or even an additional bedroom, our team can accommodate you.

We work closely with our customers when planning our extension projects to ensure the final design is created in a unique manner. To do this, we consult with the property owners to discuss an array of extension features, details and specifications, including the function of the new space, the layout of the room and other decorative fixtures and fittings such as flooring, windows, doors and more. This planning process is essential in ensuring all specifications are selected personally, to ensure the results reflect personal style, preference and requirements once the project is complete.

House Extensions in Feltham

Our construction specialists always adhere to all strict building and safety regulations during all of our extension projects to ensure the property environment and those within it are maintained in a safe, hazard-free position for the duration of the project. Therefore, you can put your confidence in us that your new extension will be built with optimal professionalism and safety which will also prevent issues arising with the extension structure and features, at a later date.

For more information regarding our extension projects at Leon Building Contractors Ltd, give us a call today on 07854005555 where we can answer your queries and begin the planning and design processes of your new extension.

How we work

Our process


Tell us the details

Reach out to us using whichever contact method suits you, and tell us about your project.


We provide a quote

We will then go over the details and provide you with a no obligation quote to have the work carried out.


Receive a start date

If you're satisfied with the quote, we will contact you to arrange a date for us to complete the work.